I am a big fan of 10th Mountain Whiskey and Spirits tasting room in Vail, Colorado. The Whiskey Rally was a Black Diamond event.  What a way to start a Saturday evening

The 2 for 1 tasting event happens through Saturday, Oct 7th, so you have a few more days to take advantage of this event.

vail beaver creek restaurant week livin the black diamond life

Nothing makes me happier than promoting Vail small businesses. I especially love it when they have a desirable product, and I love the owner.  Makes my job easier and way more fun.

The Whiskey Rally incentivized bourbon and whiskey drinkers to rekindle their love of awesome merchandise, bourbon, and updated Manhattans.

To amplify the event BBQ mike was there to test the barn wood aesthetics. Worked out famously for all the guests.

To create an all-in whiskey event feel, Julia and I wore one-of-a-kind cowboy hats from Kemosabe which “topped” off the evening!

The $20.18 Vail Beaver Creek Restaurant Week Special- Dining at Altitude s two for one flight tasting and enter to win a 3-liter whiskey barrel.

Video of Ryan Thompson, one of the 10th Mountain Whiskey owners.

If you have friends, who don’t love whiskey The 10th Mountain Whiskey Tasting room offers up their own vodka and moonshine- (and no the moonshine won’t take paint off the walls).  Available to mix with the vodka are handmade mixers.  A berry mix and their own mule recipe.

For the Bourbon lovers, join us for generous pours. The staff is really into their spirits, and it’s exciting to hear their descriptions.  Chris was kind enough to take us through all the selections.

I love the way they merchandise their products and their logos.  The company and its name are based on an interesting history of the 10th Mountain Division.

vail beaver creek restaurant week whiskey livin the black diamond life

Read about the 10th Mountain Division- excellent article

They do an impressive job of creating fresh and popular merchandise and marketing so you can buy your whiskey or some gifts for friends and family.

Definitely worth a stop in!  10th Mountain Whiskey & Spirits

Vail Local for over 25 years. Loves the outdoors, even if it's just sitting on the deck sipping wine or sitting by one of the many Vail fireplaces. Travels, reads, writes and loves marketing. Hence the development of this website! Enjoys events of all types which is easy to write about and focuses on having as much fun as possible! Still likes 80's music!

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